The library is created for a free access of everyone. Project noncommercial. The project purpose - to collect the books used in genealogical searches for besplaty fast access to all those who is engaged in studying of the genealogy. You can send the material or the reference to it and it will be added to fund of library. You in will be entered in Authors of library.
The request to take part in the project everything who has the corresponding literature and understanding of that combining efforts and discovering the materials we in exchange will receive their bigger quantity is not compared.
According to all books the term of copyright expired and books are public property. Nevertheless the request to report about existence on the site of files which violate copyright and related rights. Such files will be immediately removed from library.
Files in library: 2252
Councils beginner
Councils to the beginning genealogists and not only...
Archives of Russia. Databases
Federal archives. Subjects of the Russian Federation. Databases.
World, Europe, Russia, regions of Russia, cities of Russia, Austria, Avtraliya, New Zealand, New Guinea, Denmark, Spain, Giblartar, Israel, Flags of the World, Scheme of the subway and trams, Coats of arms of Russia
Lists of the occupied places
Lists of the occupied places with cards
Historical researches
Books on stories of districts, cities and villages. Stories of families.
Address calendars and memorable books
Audits and censuses
Pistsovy books, Revizsky fairy tales, Population census
Registers of births
Metrichesike of the book of churches and districts
Manifesto on the IFLA / UNESCO public library
Access to knowledge Freedom, prosperity, development of society, as well as certain citizens, are among fundamental human values. All this is reached only by a possibility for widely informed citizens to carry out the democratic rights and to play an active role in society. Fruitful participation of citizens and development of democracy depend on receiving satisfactory education, and also on free and unlimited access to knowledge, ideas, culture and information. The public library opening a way to knowledge at the local level is the integral condition of ensuring continuous training, independent decision-making and cultural development of citizens and social groups. The present Manifesto proclaims belief of UNESCO in public library as a life-giving source of education, culture and information, as the important instrument of strengthening in consciousness of people of ideas of the world and spiritual welfare. In this regard UNESCO urges national and local governmental bodies to give support to development of public libraries and actively to participate in this activity.
Public library The public library is the local center of information in which readers can get various knowledge. The public library provides the services on the basis of equality of access of all, irrespective of age, race, a floor, religion, a nationality, language or the social status. Special services and materials have to be provided to such subscribers who for one reason or another cannot use usual services and materials, for example to representatives of language minorities, disabled people, inpatients or prisoners. The materials meeting requirements of all age groups have to be stored in funds. Library stocks and services have to include all types of appropriate means of information, modern technologies, and also traditional materials. Quality providing and the accounting of local requirements and conditions has paramount value. Materials have to reflect current trends and evolution of society, and also the main milestones of human activity. Funds and services should not be exposed to any ideological, political or religious censorship, and also commercial pressure.
Tasks of public library The public library in the activity has to be guided by the following key tasks which concern information, distribution of literacy, education and culture: 1. Formation and development of skills of reading in children, since early age; 2. Support to individual and independent education, and also formal education at all steps; 3. Creation of conditions for creative development of the personality 4. Development of imagination and creative abilities in children and youth; 5. Stimulation of interest in cultural heritage and to achievements of art, science and innovations; 6. Ensuring access to cultural production of all types of performing arts; 7. Development of cross-cultural dialogue and encouragement of cultural diversity; 8. Preservation of oral traditions; 9. Ensuring access of citizens to all types of public information; 10. Rendering the corresponding information services to the local enterprises, associations and circles; 11. Assistance to development of information and skills of computer literacy; 12. Support of activity and to programs for literacy distribution, as well as participation in them, among all age groups and expansion, in case of need, such activity.
Financing, legislation and networks The public library usually provides the services free of charge. The public library submits to local and national authorities. Its activity is defined by the special legislation and is financed by national and local authorities. Activity of public library is an important component of any long-term strategy in the field of culture, providing information, distribution of literacy and education. To provide interstate library coordination and cooperation, it is necessary to provide creation of a national network of libraries and rendering support in the legislation and strategic plans to it on the basis of the coordinated norms of rendering of services. The network of public libraries has to be created taking into account national, regional, research and special libraries, and also libraries at schools, colleges and universities.
Activity and management It is necessary to formulate the accurate policy defining tasks, priorities and services taking into account local public requirements. It is necessary to provide the effective organization of work of public library and to support her at the professional level. It is also necessary to adjust cooperation with the corresponding partners, for example groups of users and other experts, at the local, regional, national, and also international levels. Services have to be physically available to all members of society. Therefore the library has to be conveniently located and have good halls for reading and occupations, is technically equipped and to work in time, convenient for users. It is supposed that it also has to provide services to those users who cannot visit her. The library has to build the work taking into account various requirements of the population living in rural and city areas. The librarian is the active intermediary between users and sources. Vocational and continuous education of the librarian is the integral condition of ensuring adequate services. It is necessary to carry out the programs of training of users helping them to use all sources.
Implementation of the Manifesto UNESCO insistently calls heads at the national and local levels, all library workers in the different countries of the world to carry out the principles stated in this Manifesto.
The present Manifesto is prepared together with the International federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA).
More than in 20 languages it is possible to study texts of the Manifesto on the IFLA website
http://www .ifla.org/VII/s8/unesco/manif.htm