N. M. Karamzin. History of the state Russian.
N. M. Karamzin. A note about ancient and new Russia.
S. M. Solovyov. History of Russia since the most ancient times.
S. M. Solovyov. The educational book on the Russian history.
S. M. Solovyov. Emperor Alexander I. Policy and diplomacy.
S. M. Solovyov. Petrovsky readings.
List of reignings on volosts
B.D.'s Greeks Kievan Rus'
Klyuchevsky V. O. Kurs of the Russian history
Chronicles of 1535
Chronicles of 1562
Chronicles of 1568
Chronicles of 1573
S. A. Pletneva. Khazars.
Tarle E.V. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov - the commander and the diplomat.
Tarle E.V. Admiral Ushakov on the Mediterranean Sea.
Tarle E.V. Borodino.
Tarle E.V. Vzyatiye of the Bastille.
Tarle E.V. Napoleon.
Tarle E.V. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.
Tarle E.V. The preface to Taleyran's memoirs.
Tarle E.V. Sozdatel of paper money.
Tarle E.V. Chesmensky fight and first Russian expedition to the Archipelago.
Tarle E.V. Expedition of the admiral Senyavin to the Mediterranean Sea.
D.I.Ilovaysky. The beginning of Russia ("Investigations about the beginning of Russia. Instead of introduction to the Russian history")
Birnbaum H. Obshcheslavyansky language.
Brachev In Masons in Russia, from Peter I up to now.
D.S.Likhachev. Gradozashchitny semantics of uspensky temples in Russia.
D.S.Likhachev. Story of temporary years.
Dzhiovanni del Plano Carpini. History of Mongols.
Domestic tyranny.
Ancient Russian history.
Spiritual testament of Ivan Danilovich Kalita.
The story about a razzoreniye of Ryazan Batyem.
The story about standing on Ugra.
B.A.Rybakov. First centuries of the Russian history.
A.N sugars. Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte.
A.N sugars. Diplomacy of Ancient Russia.
A.N sugars. Svyatoslav's diplomacy.
A.N sugars. Historical portraits. 1613-1762gg.
A.N sugars. Historical portraits. 1762-1917gg.
Cathedral Code of 1649.
Grigory Kotoshikhin's composition On Russia in Alexey Mikhaylovich's reign.
Decree on a position of the Senate.
Decree on establishment of provinces of 1708.
The decree on establishment of the Ruling Senate.
The charter about heritage of a throne.