To download the program

To download a distribution kit of the program (EXE archive) (without file of the help) (2458 Kb) ifamilytree.exe
To download a distribution kit of the program (ZIP archive) (without file of the help) (2437 Kb)
To download a distribution kit of the program (EXE archive) (with files of the help) (6439 Kb) familytree.exe
To download a distribution kit of the program (ZIP archive) (with files of the help) (6419 Kb)

 Attention: It is impossible to install in Windows Vista and Windows 7 system the program in the Program Files folder, it is write-protected! Install the program in the folder which is not write-protected

To download the program in Unicode for WINDOWS (FreeWare)

The new version of the program in UNICODE!
Multilingual (it is translated into 51 languages) and multiplatform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.).

To download a distribution kit of the program for Windows (with the file of the help) (3854 Kb)  familytree .ru-unicode.exe
To download a distribution kit of the program for Windows (without file of the help) (2497 Kb)  familytree-unicode.exe

 Attention: The format of data of the Unicode version is not compatible to the version in a format of data of ANSI!
 To transfer data from the FamilyTree-ansi program to the FamilyTree-unicode program it is necessary:  
  • from the FamilyTree-ansi program to keep all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "To keep in archive" - } "to Execute" in the ZIP file  
  • from the FamilyTree-ansi program to keep all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "GEDCOM Format" - } "to Export" in the GED file  
  • in the FamilyTree-unicode program to restore all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "To restore from archive" - } "to Execute" from the ZIP file  
  • in the FamilyTree-unicode program to restore all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "GEDCOM Format" - } "to Import" from the GED file

     Attention: It is impossible to install in Windows Vista and Windows 7 system the program in the Program Files folder, it is write-protected! Install the program in the folder which is not write-protected

  • To download the program in Unicode for MAC OS (FreeWare)

    The new version of the program in UNICODE!
    Multilingual (it is translated into 51 languages) and multiplatform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.).

    MAC OS
    To download a distribution kit of the program for Windows (with the file of the help) (3854 Kb)  familytree .ru-unicode.exe
    To download a distribution kit of the program for Windows (without file of the help) (2497 Kb)  familytree-unicode.exe

     Attention: The format of data of the Unicode version is not compatible to the version in a format of data of ANSI!
     To transfer data from the FamilyTree-ansi program to the FamilyTree-unicode program it is necessary:  
  • from the FamilyTree-ansi program to keep all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "To keep in archive" - } "to Execute" in the ZIP file  
  • from the FamilyTree-ansi program to keep all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "GEDCOM Format" - } "to Export" in the GED file  
  • in the FamilyTree-unicode program to restore all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "To restore from archive" - } "to Execute" from the ZIP file  
  • in the FamilyTree-unicode program to restore all data through the Menu - "Service" - } "GEDCOM Format" - } "to Import" from the GED file

     Attention: It is impossible to install in Windows Vista and Windows 7 system the program in the Program Files folder, it is write-protected! Install the program in the folder which is not write-protected

  • To download the program for ANDROID (FreeWare)

    To download the program with Android Market (Freeware):

    To download the program with Android Market (Shareware):

    To download the program in Unicode for LINUX (FreeWare)

    The new version of the program in UNICODE!
    Multilingual (it is translated into 51 languages) and multiplatform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.).

    LINUX - OpenSUSE, Mandriva, RedHat
     To download a distribution kit of the program for Linux (RPM) (6749 Kb)  familytree-5.0-4.i586.rpm
     To download a distribution kit of the program for Linux (TGZ) (8216 Kb)  familytree-5.0-opensuse.tar.gz

    LINUX - Ubuntu/Debian
     To download a distribution kit of the program for Linux (DEB) (8187 Kb)  familytree-5.0-all.deb
     To download a distribution kit of the program for Linux (TGZ) (8215 Kb)  familytree-5.0-ubuntu.tar.gz

     Attention: The format of data of the Unicode version is not compatible to the version in a format of data of ANSI!
     To transfer data from the FamilyTree-unicode program for Windows to FamilyTree-unicode it is necessary for Linux, from the catalog with FamilyTree-unicode for Windows to copy data in the catalog to FamilyTree-unicode for Linux (only not by means of CD, he forbids files for record):
     1. catalogs:
     - foto
     - fotos
     - icon
     - text
     - video
     2. files:
     - familytree.csv

    Help to the FamilyTree-Unicode=FreeWare project

    You can help development of the project, having transferred any amount on purses:


    Yandex. Money:



    Program rating
    It is checked for absence of viruses

    Яндекс цитирования