Family history

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Family history

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1. Zhukov Cyril, is established on a patronymic.
The wife
: it is not established.
  • Peter
2. Zhukov Peter Kirillovich, ~1860~1952. Was born also the life most part has lived in дер. Пронино the Vologda area of Lezhesky area. With them in the house there lived son Sergey Petrovich. In the end of a life has arrived to Moscow on Herzen's street to son Peter Petrovichu, in Moscow did cataract operation on an eye (in 1 or 2 eye hospital on street Bitter). Has died in Moscow.
The wife
: Zhukov Elena Matveevna, ~1858-? Has died in дер. Пронино.
  • Sergey
  • Peter
  • Hope
  • Парасковья
  • Varfolomey
  • Anna
3. Zhukov Peter Petrovich, 1902-1973. A sort. In дер. Пронино, the old Bolshevik, there went to school, in army was the political leader, has left the Higher party school, worked as the laboratorian at 1-legal institute on Herzen's street, in the same place veins, (2nd wife: Alexander, approximately 10 years in the end of a life), has died in the late autumn in Moscow.
The wife: Brusilovsky Maria Veniaminovna (Mejta - Attracting), have got acquainted at the Higher party school, Marias Veniaminovne was then 35 years, have got married approximately in 1925
The 1-wife
: Brusilovsky Maria Veniaminovna (Mejta - Attracting), 1897-13.11.1962. Zhukov's grandmother L.B.sort. In Moscow (the radical Muscovite). An old Bolshevik since 1911, worked in Central Committee VkPb. Was imprisoned and in the reference with Stalin.
The 2-wife
: Komarova Alexander, from Kostroma, there lived together last 10 years.
  • Boris
  • Julia
4. Zhukov Konstantin Sergeevich, mind. 7/1/2000. Veins in дер. Пронино, the farmer.
The wife
: Люся
  • Andrey
  • Irina
5. Zhukov Vitaly Sergeevich, the river 30.08.1949. The mechanic 2 categories has ended the TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE on a speciality. 1971-76 assembler СУ-182, 76-84 - СУ-241, 85-91 - СМУ-1, 91-97 СМУ-1 the welder, 97-2000 Maternity home №72, the loader.
The 1-wife
: ур. Vasileva Vera Alekseevna, the river 04.01.1953. Was born in settlement Pervovoskresensky Miloslavsky area of the Ryazan region. Works штукатуром at factory of Hrunicheva. Lives in Moscow.
The 2-wife
: ур. Kozlenko Galina Vladimirovna, the river 04.12.1947. The son from 1-marriage: Kozlenko Roman Alekseevich, the river 19.01. 1977.
Children from 1-marriage
  • Andrey, the river 06.02.1974
  • Vladimir, the river 15.01.1979
  • Natalia, the river 15.07.1983
6. Babayev Vladimir Sergeevich, 1939~1975. 1-son Zhukovoj Nadezhdy Petrovny. Has died in Olenegorske of Murmansk area. Worked as the engineer or the master on ГОКе (mountain-concentrating industrial complex). It was shot from unfortunate love (to the 1-wife Olga) from a pistol of own manufacturing.
The 1-wife
: Olga. Olga has a son from the 2-husband.
The 2-wife
is not established.
Children from 1-marriage
  • Anna, the husband - Leonid Krjukov, is the daughter of 13 years and the son of 14 years.
7. Shahs Michael
The wife
: Шахова (ур. Zhukov) Anna Petrovna, mind. ~ 1975. The vein near Moscow on the item the Elk, had the house, worked on the governmental agricultural base, has died in the house.
  • Alexander, mind. ~ 1973. Has died of an irradiation in 3 months after army.
8. Babayev Sergey. Worked as the driver at the rural party organisation.
The wife
: Zhukov Nadezhda Petrovna, 17.04.1909-24.04.1986. A surname did not change. Has died in Moscow, it is buried on the Mitinsky cemetery, a site 170, a tomb 8037.
  • Vladimir Babayev
  • Vitaly Zhukov
9. Zhukov Alexander. Zhukov's cousin of the Item of the Item
The wife
is not established.
  • Alexander
  • Anna
  • Tamara
10. Zhukov Alexander Aleksandrovich. Possibly, already has died approximately in 1975 (approximately 55 years), was the military test pilot, lived in Kazakhstan near Orenburg, last years lived in Yaroslavl.
The wife
: Розалия
  • Миша
  • Аня


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